Saskatchewan - Alberta - British Columbia November 2023


November 26, 2023

Saskatchewan - Alberta - British Columbia November 2023 

"Criminally & mentally insane people & groups band together to make literal assessment of the innocent then fall" 

Officially as of December 15, 2023 due to lack of trial. M.S.P will be executing the citizens of the three Provinces while international travellers will be asked to return home safely & residents from other Provinces or Territories will be asked to return if they are not M.S.P targets. M.S.P operatives in Western Canada will be relocating after the slaughter using different efforts including wireless neurological technology networks  

British Columbia population

5.071 million (2019)

90% of the population or more will be deceased between 2023-2025 

Alberta population

4.371 million (2019)

90% of the population or more will be deceased between 2023-2025 

Saskatchewan population

1.174 million (2019)

90% of the population or more will be deceased between 2023-2025 

All other areas of Canada will be next. Control over imports & exports then visitors & population will be under M.S.P

We are officially removing the three Western Canadian Provinces as a large majority operated with the one Ontario neurological technology lab in efforts taken against Dr Nice Bennett between 2007-2008, 2012-2022

Any person that relocated out of the three Provinces since 2007 or that operated with the responsible labs are loosing their lives regardless ages 0-17, 18-100+ & those since turned 18+

This extends to everyone anywhere that Dr Nic Bennett worked between that time frame & anyone connected regardless of arguments 


"The innocent stay alive. The guilty are prosecuted legally & privately using any means"


Illegally monitoring Dr Nic Bennett’s body 24/7 prior to 1999 & post regarldess of where the body is & what Nic was or is intending to do daily 



Operating Handlers 

Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers with guests flown in & driven in 

Over 25 people often more than 100 at the location filtering through connecting with over 100,000 daily in connected powers in numbers strategies with over 10 million operating internationally 

Efforts to monitor & or & control the body of Dr Nic Bennett using opinions disregarding Dr Nic Bennett’s conscious opinion & devisions administering normal, detention & execution practices or a combination daily every waking & sleeping moment 


Persons & groups connected, those contacted & anyone connected within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada operating through different online, offline, mobile & telephone channels of communication 

We are ramping up & advancing our private international defence system against these neurological technology threat labs 


Drafted & paid M.S.P Modern Separtist Group interests execute all targets or they are executed by multiple operating M.S.P Modern Separtist Group interests which woth over five groups of have you execute members drafted & paid if they refuse M.C.G investigative work prior to carrying out executions if we cannot settle in court with evidence 

Kill or be killed 

The people responsible for luring Dr Nic Bennett in & connecting the body up to illegally monitor & or monitor & control the body are either deceased or loosing their lives while those that operated at & with since are loosing their lives or spending life in solitary cells knocked into neurological technology labs

Dr Nic Bennett. Legal representation Karen Fellici


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