Vindictive Responses


Between Dr Nic Bennett & punk rocker gamer friend November, 28 2023  

I put it together quick with plans then initiate using contract interests then a team so it works but yes I am clocked like a top... fast & cannot slow down

 Have to feed it what it wants while considering morals, conscience, law & I wonder if I could start doing creative stuff & selling it online

 Not to selfishly take over our conversation in my favor like a total cont but... which I try to avoid with you in considering equality

 I was into making independent film, writing & sewing then creating stuff digital & to sell on marketplaces before learning stock market, commodity & private investments

 Creative markets basically

 Like how I want to turn the virtual office into a world of games

 Yes... I like the selfish cunt role at times not all the time hut to try on that level of bitchy at times vindictive to feed an inner evil versus my moral conscious efforts knowing it's wrong

 It's scandalous

 If that makes sense

 I think Disney & others corrupted me as a child with the angel versus devil aspect

 I am not evil yet there's that daredevil adrenaline junkie inside that needs to be fed sometimes 

Dr Nic Bennett with legal representation Karen Fellici


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