Cold Case versus Statue of Limitations


We are suing for over 1000 reasons pertaining to the one Ontario neurological technology lab 


In some cases a closed case with statue of limitations is authentically reopened as a cold case with leads & evidence voiding the statue of limitations internationally 

We will disregard all interests in any Police service or law firm & Government that attempt to use the statue of limitations in the H.I.3 case to side with the responsible neurological technology lab 

To much time has passed using Federal, Provincial or State & international law does not hold up against a cold case which is the approach with the H.I.3


A statute of limitations, known in civil law systems as a prescriptive period, is a law passed by a legislative body to set the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. In most jurisdictions, such periods exist for both criminal law and civil law such as contract law and property law, though often under different names and with varying details.

When the time which is specified in a statute of limitations runs out, a claim might no longer be filed or, if it is filed, it may be subject to dismissal if the defense against that claim is raised that the claim is time-barred as having been filed after the statutory limitations period.

When a statute of limitations expires in a criminal case, the courts no longer have jurisdiction. Most common crimes that have statutes of limitations are distinguished from particularly serious crimes because the latter claims may be brought at any time.

In civil law systems, such provisions are typically part of their civil and criminal codes. The cause of action dictates the statute of limitations, which can be reduced or extended in order to ensure a full and fair trial. The intention of these laws is to facilitate resolution within a "reasonable" period of time. What amount of time is considered "reasonable" varies from country to country. In the United States, it may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and state to state. Internationally, the statute of limitations may vary from one civil or criminal action to another. Some countries have no statute of limitations whatsoever.

Analysis of a statute of limitations also requires the examination of any associated statute of repose, tolling provisions, and exclusions.


A case becomes “Cold” when all probative investigative leads available to the primary investigators are exhausted and the case remains open and unsolved after a period of three years. Cold Cases are reviewed to determine if newer technologies or forensic testing may produce any new potential leads.

The criminal case H.I.3 cannot be closed, domiciled or disregarded. You cannot down play, cover up or discredit fact & recorded - documented evidence against fact 

The case pertaining to Dr Nic Benentt & estate of is Cold from efforts to write into a statue process based on evidence 

Dr Nic Bennett with legal representation Karen Fellici


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