Neurological Technology. H.I.3 Case


Human, Mammal, Insect & Animal

- Neurological Technology 

Wireless neurological technology equipment 

Intermidiary device 

- Used to connect the body to a main device attaching a signal to the brain & full body head to toe 

Main device 

Associated software  

Main device operating or cameras pointed at & mechanical operation connected to software & mechanical ventilator for breathing control 

- Inversion

Inverting the body turning it inside out wirelessly with a screen & full body device 

The wireless equipment connects a signal leaving an inverted version of your body within the device so those operating you from the main device wear you like an avatar suit from the inside out with all internal organs & muscles connected where you can see, monitor & touch then even walk up & look through the eyes & hear through the ears while also taking control of muscles, internal organ function & everything within 

- Memory Extraction

We attach the physical body then extract the memory from the conscious being within which is attached at birth then we can detach or keep the wireless equipment attached & lock in the consciousness to take vocal, physical & psychological control of the body partially to almost fully while reading thought, imagination & memory including psychologically - mental & physical multi-tasking

We extract memories from to time of extraction into hard drives then review point if view vision with hearing then all thought, imagination & memory then a 30 degree rendering of all areas around the body in every experience accurately from birth to extraction date 

There are over 1000 operating, control & interrogation efforts including Cypress - Monarch then Cattle Prodding Methods to Mind Control manufacturing a docile simpleton. A law abiding person monitored in a neuro-network 

Normal unmanned monitoring 

Normal partial to full handling control

Detention practices 

Execution practices

Detention & execution or a combination of practices 

"Our consciousness attached to the body at birth requires the physical brain & body to learn & communicate so if that is damaged then there is mild, moderate & severe limitations to being able to rather than normally developed bodies physically" - Dr Nic Bennett 

There are no whistle blowers. We went public with January 2016 Havana Syndrome causing technologies with the H.I.3 Case

Dr Nic Bennett.  


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